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Bob Rehill – ace PM, global networker and Founder of HRTech247

This Friday (2nd July) on Munch and Muse at 1pm we welcome Bob Rehill to the ‘virtual couch’.
Bob is an accomplished project manager who has grown a global network of associates and is the founder and chief innovator of HR 247, an online community space, showcasing HR & Payroll Technology vendors and partners in a virtual exhibition environment.

He is a passionate project professional who also devotes a lot of time to coaching and mentoring others. This promises to be another great session from the ExtraordinaryPM couch – no screen sharing, no slides, just great conversation.

Open to all, no charge, however places are limited so please register in advance using the following link so that you will receive the Zoom code for this session and reminders: Click this link to register http://eepurl.com/c7rPrP

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