Where do the greatest differences in values exist across industries?
To answer this question, we invited 753 global Individual Contributors, Managers, Leaders and Executives across six different industries to complete the BeTalent Culture Fit Questionnaire. We conducted an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to understand if there were any significant differences in values across industries (Engineering, Professional Services, Financial Services, Military, Healthcare and Management Consulting). We found:
There were significant differences for 15 of the 18 values. The 3 values which had no significant differences were: Culturally Inclusive, Socially Aware and Entrepreneurial, suggesting that these 3 values are equally important in all industries tested.
Of these 15 significant values, Compliant and Safe had the most significant range of differences according to organisation type. In particular: Individuals who work in the Military are more likely to be Compliant than individuals who work in other industries.Individuals working in Engineering view Safe as significantly more important than those working in other industries.
The 3 most selected values across all industries were: Proud, Safe, and Integrity.
This post was written by BeTalent, they are an exhibitor on the HRTech247 Talent & Performance Management floor of the Technology Hall. You can visit their virtual space here